When I considered running for office, I admit I was unsure whether the political environment I saw was the right fit for me. I wanted to make a difference for my community but I was worried about the toll partisan fighting and mudslinging might take on my family. Ultimately I decided to run for MLA, […]
Proportional Representation
Proportional representation is the change we need

During the 2017 BC election I spoke to a lot of voters across BC, but one conversation stood out. I was speaking with a young man in a riding considered a “safe seat” for the BC Liberals. He was thoughtful, informed on the issues, and engaged in his community. But despite all of this he […]
Voting for Change

During the election, I spoke with many young people who felt disempowered when it comes to voting. Who felt like their vote did not count. Who felt like the political arena was a space for the elite, making decisions that did not resonate with them. Switching to proportional representation will put power in the hands […]