To those who have been demanding government action, help is finally on the way For many years, British Columbians have felt the pressure of a ballooning housing crisis. More and more families were making impossible choices between their housing cost and buying groceries. The market for middle-income families got smaller and smaller as speculators were […]
Working together to end homelessness

This article was originally published on Georgia Straight. Homelessness has been hurting too many people in our province for too long. Thousands of British Columbians are without a home. They are living on the streets, in parks, tents, in shelters, or in cars. Homelessness hurts the health of our communities, our economy, it hurts those […]
Coming together through sport

Once again, it’s that time of year when the hotels and restaurants are bustling and the energy in Prince Rupert is electric. It’s a full week of the All Native Basketball Tournament – a time for Indigenous communities from across the province and Alaska to come together to compete, spectate, celebrate and reunite with family […]
Addressing the root causes of poverty

Like all Canadians, I was saddened to hear the recent news of another life lost in a clothing donation bin. Vulnerable people are getting seriously injured or killed in an attempt to address their basic needs. Access to warm clothing and proper footwear are essential for those who are homeless or precariously housed. The contents […]
Improving opportunities for former children and youth in care

This month, young people across B.C. went back to college and university for the spring semester. It’s an exciting time as young adults see new experiences and new opportunities. I’m sure we can all remember thinking about all the things we could be when we grew up. Our families would nurture and support our curiosities […]
A step forward in student housing

Two years ago, when the BC Liberals were still in power and refusing to address the housing crisis, I wrote in to the Times Colonist calling on the provincial government to at least get out of the way and allow universities to build more on-campus student housing. I had recently met with two UVic students, […]
Filling the gaps: transportation solutions for northern and rural B.C.

When I was first elected in 2013, one of the first letters I received was from three Indigenous women who had tragically lost female family members on the Highway of Tears (Highway 16). Their message to me was simple: “Don’t forget about our loved ones.” Since the Highway of Tears Symposium in 2006, families and […]
Proportional Representation will elect more women, more diverse candidates

When I considered running for office, I admit I was unsure whether the political environment I saw was the right fit for me. I wanted to make a difference for my community but I was worried about the toll partisan fighting and mudslinging might take on my family. Ultimately I decided to run for MLA, […]
Supporting B.C. craft beer grows local jobs, strengthens communities

B.C.’s craft brewing industry is growing by leaps and bounds, enticing visitors to all parts of the province, and bringing economic growth to our communities. This has been especially true along the Sunshine Coast, where many breweries have set the bar for quality, all the while reinvigorating entire neighbourhoods. This October is the eighth-annual B.C. […]
Supportive housing works and we need more of it

Everyone deserves a home. Unfortunately, not everyone in BC can afford one. Nowhere is this more evident than in my home community of Maple Ridge, where the present tent city has been in place since early 2017. Sadly, most communities in BC are now familiar with the realities of tent cities. They create great difficulties […]
Ensuring Our Communities Have the Infrastructure They Need

British Columbia is a geographically large province, with diverse and important infrastructure needs. From transportation to education, healthcare to housing, public infrastructure allows us to provide the services people need, all while building our economy. Government has a responsibility to invest in provincial infrastructure, apprenticeships and skills training and we know communities from the coast […]
Proportional representation is the change we need

During the 2017 BC election I spoke to a lot of voters across BC, but one conversation stood out. I was speaking with a young man in a riding considered a “safe seat” for the BC Liberals. He was thoughtful, informed on the issues, and engaged in his community. But despite all of this he […]
Helping women get ahead

We all want B.C. to stand for fairness and equality, and that means we need action on women’s issues. In 1970 I joined women travelling across the country in advocating for a woman’s right to choose, and to change the laws so that a woman’s safety and health was a priority concern. I’ve been an […]
British Columbians are Resilient and so are Our Forests

British Columbia is world renowned for our forests. They serve as a global carbon sink, are home to incredible biodiversity, and are a desirable location to hike, camp, and play. But for the past two years, the pristine beauty of our forests have been overshadowed by back to back wildfire seasons. With over 2,000 fires […]
Post-Secondary students are finally getting the help they deserve

Going to school to get the skills you need shouldn’t be a lifelong debt sentence. I’m proud to be a part of a government prioritizing an affordable post-secondary education. By keeping costs low, and opening up new doors, we’re helping former, current, and future students successfully find their place in BC’s economy. Unfortunately, for 16 […]
British Columbia has a great education system. But we have more work to do.

Once again it’s that time of year when teachers and families across the province are gearing up for a new year of learning. Over half a million children and youth, like my grandkids Ryder and Jordan, will be returning to school. Parents will be onsite helping to quell nerves, pack lunches, and establish new routines […]